Saturday, March 5, 2016

If Donald Trump Is A Fraud, A Con Man And A Liar

And he becomes the Republican Nominee, will you support him?

Republican Presidential Candidates: "Yes!"

Obviously! A person of such Poor Character would be Very Dangerous and Extremely Destructive to the United States of America, which they all claim to love.

So, What kind of people would support someone for President who is a Fraud, a Con Man, a Liar, Very Dangerous and Extremely Destructive to the United States of America-the country they claim to love?

A Fraud

A Con Man

A Liar

And a man who refuses to accept the fact that Republicanism in this country does not mean being nice, fair, kind or gentle to people

And recently added: A Psychopathic Liar, Racist and Hater of Minorities-Especially Black People, which was on full display during his entire time as Mayor of New York City.

A Psychopathic Liar, Racist and Hater of Minorities-Especially Black People. This man hates people of color so much that he launched a media empire on the subject and is now the Top Level Campaign Manager, highly respected and regarded by Donald Trump.

Check Out His Racist Publication Full Of Propaganda Here.

In combination, all of these factors makes the Republican Party as a whole, Very Dangerous and Extremely Destructive to the majority of people in this country in their support of an obvious Megalomaniac, Psychopathic and Possibly Schizophrenic Personality who will have his hands on the Nuclear Codes.

And if we as Citizens of the United States who care about other Citizens of the United States besides ourselves don't do what we need to do this Tuesday, these people will be our new leaders.

Take a real good look at them:

Is this who you want making policies that will adversely affect you, your family, your community and the country for 4 years, 8 years, 12, years or for generations to come?

If you don't, then please Vote to move forward on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, by voting for Hillary Clinton for President and for all Democratic Down Ballot Candidates.


I Will Vote.Com

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