Thursday, November 12, 2015

Congratulations Missouri State University Students

You've found your voice and you've found your power.

For such a long time, I have been waiting for young people to take the baton from the older generation who has sacrificed, fought and loss so much, (including their lives), and the lives of loved ones in pursuit of Happiness, Freedom, Justice and Equality, (which contrary to popular belief is not an "Unalienable Right For All)".

That is just another one of those Patriotic Lies passed down generation to generation to keep the Illusion of Justice, Freedom and Equality for all, alive and well in America.

The fact of the matter is, that the people who claim this myth to be true, cling to it, because it is true for them and their families.

However, they are completely blind to the broader concept and meaning of these words for other people in this country who are not like them and who may not have started on the same rung of the ladder as they did in life, or had the same opportunities and benefits that they may have had as a right at birth.

But here's the truth:

These so called American Values are not free, their not easy and they do not come to certain people without a fight.

And in a period of time where more African Americans have died at the hands of "Law Enforcement Officers" in this country in a shorter period of time than I can remember, I am so glad to see Black Lives Matter.

I was so glad to see so many young people at the 20th. Anniversary of the Million Man March, (which had to be one of the most successful uncovered by the media events that I have ever seen).

Back in 2008-I was very excited and happy to see the Occupy Movement, (who like Black Lives Matter), did not play favorites.

They held all Political Leaders Accountable, Democrat, Republican and Other.

And there are thousands of other Youth Organizations springing up all over the country who are working with older established organizations as well as with each other to make American Rights and Values mean more than just some Bullshit written on paper or some Empty Words spoken by Lying Politicians whose only goal is to fool the American People into voting for them for their own self interests.

All of these people are very serious about making Significant, Positive and Permanent Changes to this country that have been long overdue and for the most part, not included in the discussion, or considered to be necessary by both parties, especially by the Rightwing Conservative Movement in America, (which includes the Republican Party in particular).

Most recently, students at Missouri State University rediscovered the power of a method that our Grandparents, Great Grandparents,Fore Parents and Ancestors used to fight injustice and abuse in an effort to survive and make things better for future generations.

"Hit em where it hurts-in their pockets".

And we are the Benefactors and hopefully the Protectors of these Strong, Brave and Determined People's sacrifices to make sure that we would have a better life than they did.

So I just want to say thank you to all of the Organizations and Individuals from "The Younger Generation", who are now actively and creatively involved in "The Struggle", which never ends.

Anyone who believes that the struggle that our Ancestors had to fight is over, is either very misinformed or a liar.

Freedom, Justice and Equality has never been Free.

These are things that people have and will continue to have to fight and possibly die for.

But it should be inspirational to know that, as hard as the fight is today for us-(it is nowhere nearly as horrifying as it was for our Ancestors and Fore parents).

It just up to us to build on the progress that they made and that we have made over the past 70 + years, by not fooling ourselves into believing that "That stuff is in the past".

There are 2 kinds of people in the Modern Age who have a motive to buy into this fantasy: Those who are continuing to attempt to Enslave, Devalue and Maintain Dominance, Power and Control over those whom they consider Inferior, and those who close their eyes to the struggles in our so called Modern Civilization, so that they don't have to do anything.

After all, if no problem exists, then there is no need for any efforts on my part to become part of the solution instead of remaining a part of the problem as a result of my Apathy.


So hats off to each and every one of you Young Folks who See, Admit and Acknowledge that there is still a problem in America with Equality, (Especially Racial Equality); and who are actively involved in changing things for the benefit of, (not just African Americans), but for other Minorities and other Groups and Classes of People who are still being oppressed and disrespected as well; either Overtly or Subliminally.

And thanks to all of the Young White People, and People from other Socioeconomic and Ethnic Groups who see it, know it and are trying to fix it.

Now the "Powers That Be" are coming for you, and you need to know this so that you can be prepared to counteract whatever Drastic Measures they are plotting against you, because the movement is working.

People get discouraged when they don't understand the nature of Power. And the fact that those who have it never, ever, ever voluntarily relinquish it to others.

Remember what Frederick Douglass said: "Power concedes nothing without a demand". "If there is no struggle-There is no progress".

So these attacks are just a validation of the fact that your share of power is increasing and the movement is working.

And I know this when I see people like Former Congressman, Joe Scarborough who was making excuses Tuesday on Morning Joe, by saying that there were only 2 incidents of Racism on this campus, so why did they want to fire the president?

The first question that came to my mind when I heard this was: How many incidents of Racism would it take for your son or daughter to be exposed to at a Black University before you would be concerned?

And second: In what world would there be only one or two examples of Racist Incidents at a University where Students of Color have made several complaints about Racial Issues occurring on campus numerous times over a long period of time; and were ignored by this president and other in charge.

And third: Does Joe know the History of this institution when it comes to Race, (especially those who are African American or Black)?

So now that these students have found a formula for getting shit done that needs to be done. I hope others will take notes from the people who fought the good fight to protect us from the same atrocities that they had to live with and die as a result of.

If you really want to hurt these people who are hurting you-you have got to hit them where it really hurts-In the pocket.

So to all College Students, Activists and Athletes all over the country-Please pay attention to what took this college's president down.

And make sure to implement the same strategy when it is called for everywhere.

Joe was also bitching and moaning about what the ramifications are if one group of athletes can do this by just refusing to play a game.

I say to Joe: That's called POWER!

And that is what scares those who currently hold it.

It's knowing that others have it as well.

I applaud every student; (not just the Missouri State University Students), who want their Human, Civil and Constitutional Rights protected under the law, and who are making sure that the "Powers That Be", know it, hear it and respond to it.

I applaud all students and activists all over the world who refuse to let the Status Quo continue to be the norm.

Get the power.

Hold the power.

Keep the power.

Great Job!







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