Thursday, October 29, 2015

About Last Night

I watched the Republican Debate last night,mainly looking for a Breakthrough Concept that would actually reunite the people of the United States of America and help them to repair the damage that has been done to this country Physically, Financially, Creatively and Spiritually over the past 7-1/2 years, and of course prior to that with the Previous Republican Administration.

After the introduction of the candidates the "Debate", or as I call it-Who can tell the best lies to deceive the American Republicans, (notice I did not say American People), in order to fool them into voting for them instead of the other candidates who are pretty much the same.

After one hour, I continued to watch, no longer waiting for that Breakthrough Concept, but because I didn't think it was right for me to stop looking at it after I had begged all of you to look at it.

So I hung in there to the end.

And here's my analysis of what I saw and heard.

First, I saw people who started out of the gate lying as they explained why they had absolutely no faults or weaknesses.

Most of the candidates were greatly flawed by their perfection.

Some lied about their flaws, and some of them just completely dodged the question all together.

Next I saw (mostly), Weak and Ineffective Moderators who could not control the candidate's time clocks nor did the majority of the moderators push for answers to their unanswered questions.

With the exception of one, who trapped "The Donald" in front of all the American People watching about a negative comment that he made about Marco Rubio.

She cleaned his clock and shut him up, which is not an easy task when it comes to "The Donald".

Then I heard the same old tired Republican Agendas and Talking Points Decoded to hide the real messages behind the code.

Things like shutting down the Government, destroying Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, Food stamps and other programs that help people who are not business owners or corporate executives, millionaires or billionaires, or people who did not or do not have parents who were or are any of these things.

This is the "We all started out the same in life theory" that Republicans live by.

This is also their reasoning for the destruction of Affirmative Action,(because Institutionalized Racism no longer exist in America), and somehow they have manged to work this reasoning into the Right to Vote.

Most of them brag about how hard their parents worked in the cold mines or other hard and dirty jobs; when most African American Parents could not even get a job unless it was Domestic Work.

Some of them brag about working for their parents in the businesses that they owned.

But they fail to mention the FACT that some people were born into disadvantaged situations that they cannot escape without not a handout, but a hand up.

And yet others talk about how they, (voluntarily), came to this country and were harassed, tormented and discriminated against as Immigrants, but yet they want to continue to harass, torment and discriminate against today's immigrants by refusing to work on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Some people's parents and fore parents in America, came involuntarily in chains at the point of guns and the ends of whips.

And once Slavery was supposed to be over, they still were not considered to be human when it came to education, housing, public accommodations, the right to vote, employment, or any other rights afforded to other immigrants with a lighter skin color.

And of course, they have got to repeal Obamacare for the 50th.+ time, which will throw millions of previously uninsured Americans, (who were dying everyday as a result of not having healthcare), back to not having healthcare.

But they have no replacement for it. So that means while we wait for them to come up with something better, millions of Americans will die.

And how about these Moldy Oldies:

I hate the Government, that's why I want to be the boss of it.

The Government does not create jobs. Only the Private Sector and the Free Market System can do that; but I got a job working for the Government, and I get a paycheck from the Federal Government that supports my family with benefits including Government Sponsored Healthcare.

I hate the Media, but I fought hard as hell to be up on the stage on TV.

I can save the country all by myself-Trust me!

The one thing that is consistent with the Republican Party is that they remain consistently the same.

Their main purpose is to encourage Hate, Racism, Greed which disproportionately affects poor people and members of Minority Groups, (especially African Americans).

They create Fake Ass "Flat Tax Systems", which means basically that Rich People's Tax Rates, (not their tax payments), but their Tax Percentage Rates will be the same as everyone else's.

So even though they make Millions or Billions per year, the Government will take the same percentage of taxes from them as they do the person who has a minimum wage job and a family to feed.

Who do you think will be hurt by this?

Rich People?

I disagree with all of the Right Wing Brains that are saying that Marco Rubio was #1, Donald Trump was #2 and Chris Christie was #3.

This is based on who can attack the media the best, who can holler and scream the loudest and who can throw Red Meat, (HATE), to the Primary Voters who thrive on Negativity.

If you've ever noticed with the Conservative Movement in America, it's always the ones with the most Hatred and Anger who are ranked higher and put up on a pedestal, more so then the ones who make common sense and are in touch with reality, who get very little if any attention from this crowd of Neanderthals.

So my pick of the evening was John Kasich, who spoke realistically about what could and could not be accomplished as a country

He also acknowledged that none of our problems can be fixed by one man or one party, and that it would take Unified Efforts to change things for the better.

And of course, everything that is wrong with this country is the Obama Administration's fault.

But as much as it perturbs me to say this; I have to say that on Healthcare in America, I totally agree with Mike Hukabee, who thinks that America should be spending more money on Curing Illnesses as opposed to looking for more illnesses to treat throughout an individual's entire lifetime, because this benefits the Mainstream Medical Community which includes the Massive Pharmaceutical Industry.

He is the first and only Presidential Candidate, (Democrat or Republican), who has addressed cures for Chronic Diseases in America as opposed to Perceptual Sickness, Disease and Death.

But don't stop watching any of the debates please! Because they give us all a chance to know what we want for our country and in last night's case; also what we don't want so that we can vote accordingly.

So tune in next time to the Democratic and Republican Debates.

Check your local channels for listings.


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