Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Never, Ever! Use These People's Hatred, Stupidity, Ignorance And Hunger For Power As An Excuse For Not Fighting Them

There are still a significant number of people in America who share these characteristics and values with these candidates who never stop working to help people like them succeed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year-Not just during an election.

I have heard far too many people in our camp who laugh off these candidates as not capable of being elected as President of the United States as an excuse for doing nothing.

However, if you combine our Political Apathy with Republican's Systematic Voter Suppression Nationally, (under the guise of preventing Voter Fraud), which is Fraud in and of itself, since Voter Fraud is something like 0.00002% nationally; then you will see that these things in combination mean that it is not really that far fetched that one of these characters who are running for themselves, and not for the benefit of the people of this country-(All The People Of This Country), could actually become President.

Don't take these people too lightly.

They are very dangerous.

Please Register to vote today.

Register Here!

And if you are already registered, please don't give away your vote to the Millions who are going to vote for one of these people.

How does President Trump set with your gut?


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