Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Don't Be Deceived. Donald Trump Is The Republican Party

As usual, there are Political Strategist on the Republican Side who are lynching, (I'm sorry), launching a PR Campaign to make those who don't know any better, think that what Donald Trump is saying and doing as a Presidential Candidate, is not what the Republican Party stands for.

Well! As a person who has been following Politics on a consistent basis since the early 80"s, I am here to tell you that this is just another one of the "Big Lies", that Republicans tell people who are not tuned in to our American Political System.

And before I go any further, let me just clarify another one of their "Big Lies": and that is the fact that there was a time when Democrats were as Racists if not more Racists than Republicans.

Yet it's true that back in the day when the majority of White America, (especially in the South), did have a lot of Hatred towards Black People and other People of Color, (including Racists Democrats), who became disgusted with the Democratic Party for taking the lead on improving Racial Relations and Civil Rights in America, that really did happen.

And yes! There were a lot of African Americans and other Minorities who were Republicans, (at that time).

That is when the Republican Party was referred to as "The Party of Lincoln".

And the Racist Democrats became known as Dixiecrat's; (get it? Good ole Dixie), the land of cotton.

So when the majority of the Democratic Party began to recognize the Hatred, Racism and Injustice that was occurring in America, (and the fact that they were contributing to it also); they began to become more Liberal and Progressive and started to open up their party to different kinds of people, whereas, the Republican Party started opening their doors to the Racist Dixiecrat's who did not want to be associated with the "Niggras".

And it is important also for History's Sake to point out the fact that many of these Racist Democrats were Members and Founding Members of KKK Chapters around the country.

So when you hear the Republicans say, it was the Democratic Party who were Racists and not us. To a point that was true; the operative word being was.

Are their still Racist Democrats?

Hell yea!

Racism is all over the place.

But structurally speaking, the Modern Democratic Party runs circles around the Republican Party when it comes to Human Rights, Gay Rights, Income Inequality, Racial Equality, Sexual Equality, Woman's Rights, Worker's Rights, Disability Rights, Children's Rights and Social Programs that provide opportunities for people to pull themselves up to a higher rung on the Social Ladder if they are willing to make the sacrifices and do the work.

And the Reason why Republicans have been for quite some time and still are just the opposite of the Democratic Party in America is because all of those Dixiecrat's who ran to the Republican Party back in the day; never left.

As a matter of fact, since the election of the First African American President, Barack Obama; the Republican Party has increased the number of Right wing Extremists Hate Mongers as a result.

So don't be fooled.

Donald Trump is exactly what the Republican Party is about-but they are too afraid to say it like "The Donald" does-not because they don't feel that way in their hearts, but its only because they know that this Stupid Racist Bullshit will cause them to lose again-not because they don't hate the same people that "The Donald" Hates.

But because Republicans have one thing that I admire that Democrats lack-They will do anything to win, including lying, cheating, stealing and maybe some things that may just be of a very violent nature.

Not accusing anyone in particular, I'm just talking about the General Character of the Organization, which is somewhat less than Righteous.

Republican Racists.Com

Another Republican Staffer loses job for Racist Comments

If Republicans don't like being called Racists they can stop behaving like Racists

Republican Racism, Huffington Post

Top 5 Racist Comments by Republican Candidates, 2012 Elections

Racist Comments of the GOP Primary, thus far

Republicans are Racists-No its just a big coincidence, the daily beast

The Republican Party is Racist and Here's Why,the daily banter

GOP Racist Quotes

White Republican Racists worst than White Democrat Racists,