Thursday, June 25, 2015

Supreme Court Protects The Affordable Care Act, AKA, (Obamacare)

Once again! The Supreme Court of the United States voted in a 6 to 3 decision to protect a major portion of the Affordable Healthcare Act, (ACH), that would have rendered the bill virtually ineffective.

Today's decision was necessary because of Republican's insistence on destroying the president at the expense of millions of Americans who would have lost their healthcare subsidies, which would have raised their healthcare premiums by as much as 200%, which would have in effect, taken away their ability to afford healthcare.

This would have left millions of people totally unprotected in a healthcare emergency that could have caused an individual or family to face financial ruin or potentially cost them their lives.

Thank GOD, (the one that people of conscious worship), not the one that Greedy, Hateful Selfish Conservatives worship; that the Supreme Court did not agree with Republicans who filed the law suit based on 4 words out of thousands to try to once again destroy The Affordable Healthcare Act and President Obama's Legacy as the First American President, and the First American President to succeed at providing National Healthcare.

Thanks to the 6 Justices who did not allow this to happen.

The court also ruled 5 to 4 against those who were attempting to eliminate the Housing Discrimination Laws, by declaring that discrimination in housing does not have to be deliberate to be considered discrimination.

Still on the table are Same Sex Marriage,Voting Rights, (which the Supreme Court Weakened during the last vote), by allowing states with a history of Racial Discrimination in Voting to make changes to their Voting Laws without authorization from the Federal Government.

The Conservative Justices reasoning for watering down the Voting Rights Act was that "Racism is not as big a problem as it was during the implementation of the Original Voting Rights Act". Ha!

They are also working on Clean Air and Capital Punishment.

I applaud the Justices that are doing everything within their power to stop conservatives from turning Progress into Regress.

Because those who have been paying attention for the past 7+ years probably have noticed that the Right Wing Conservative Hate Movement in America, has been trying to reverse all of the progress that we have made over the past 60 years, (including the election of the First African American President).

That Historical Event really woke up the Hatred, Racism and Greed in this country that we see manifesting itself in Murders, Arson, Police Brutality and other Inhumane and Violent Acts committed by those who never stopped working underground to divide and destroy America, but have now began operating in plain site, because of their sense of failure and doom in completely dominating people whom they deem inferior to them, (including Woman). To maintain Freedom, Justice and Equality for all, we must continue to fight.

Because those who are trying to destroy all Fair, Decent Minded and Loving American Citizens are never gonna stop.

This is a fight that will not be won by any one generation.

All we can do is our part while we are on this earth, and then past the baton to the next generation to continue the fight; like our Forefathers and Mothers, and our Ancestors did for us.


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