Wednesday, April 8, 2015

If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, Than This Video Should Leave America Speechless

This newly uncovered phenomenon, I say that, (because this is not new)-its just that New Technology and Human Participation in Activism has brought these kinds of incidents that were once kept in the dark, swept under the rug and censored from the general public by people in places of power are now coming to light. And those of us who give a damn about Justice, Peace, Freedom and Equality in this country; which is absolutely necessary for our Safety, Security and Success, must not turn a blind eye to that which is clearly in front of us.

This; as well as far too many other incidents that have occurred in this country over the past 7+ years are not what I, or anyone else who believes in the spirit of America considers to be "Good Police Work", or "Protecting and Serving the Community".

These incidents are nothing more than Evil People using a position of power as a "Law Enforcement Officer", to commit Murder of African Americans and other Minorities and to get away with it.

For all who are interested in our safety and security and the safety and security of all our loved ones in this nation-WE MUST NOT! turn a blind eye to the injustices that have been inflicted upon people of color in this country which has escalated to levels that we have not experienced since the Post Civil Rights Era in this country.

I want to thank the Mayor of Charleston SC and the Police Chief for acknowledging this Unnecessary Use of Force and the Public Execution of another African American Citizen of the United States of America.


Please believe me!

If it was not for the Activism of the citizen that recorded this video using his or her cellphone, it is very possible that, (just like the other incidents of Police Brutality against Minorities over the past 7+ years), this too, would have been kept in the dark, swept under the rug and censored from the general public.

This is a reminder of the fact that in our country, Positive Change does not just happen.

Positive Change happens because of the Activism of people who refuse to say or do nothing when they see evil hateful acts being committed against other human beings.

The state of our nation is not just the responsibility of the few who are Actively Seeking Justice, Freedom and Equality for all in this country, but it is also the responsibility of those who sit back and let everybody else do the work for them and then reap the benefits of other people's work and sacrifices.

Because, if one group of individuals are not safe and treated fairly with dignity and respect, than it won't be long before those conditions spill over in to all our lives.

And living under those kinds of conditions, (which far too many people in this country have been doing for far to long), would be a dangerous and volatile situation that none of us in their right minds wants to see.

Speak Up!

Speak Out!

Against Hate towards all people.


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