Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Murder Of Michael Brown

First of all, condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Michael Brown and to all the people of Ferguson, Missouri.

It's time for us to realize that we are under attack by Racists Forces that were always present but were like a Sleeping Giant laying in wait for it's hibernation to be over.

These Racist Political, Paramilitary, Social Organizations and people were always working quietly and secretly beneath the surface- always planning to annihilate certain Races and Classes of people.

But the thing that made them take their hatred which they kept quiet and subdued to this new level which is becoming deadly, occurred on Tuesday, November 4, 2008, when America elected its First African American President.

Since that time, these Racists have been attacking the President Politically, Racially and personally, and these attacks have and continue to manifest themselves in violent attacks against people who look like and remind them of President Obama and all of the other Black Federal Official, including Eric Holder and Susan Rice as well as the White People who support this administration and its agenda.

The latest victim in a long line of victims is 18 year old, (Unarmed), Michael Brown who was shot and killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri a few days ago.

I am curious as to how many, how long and how bad it is going to have to get before we as a people and as a country realize, that as long as we remain silent, apathetic and in denial about what is really happening in this country right now and why it is happening; that those who hate us because of the external characteristics that GOD gave us when he created us, will not just stop killing our Sons, Daughters, Mothers, Fathers, Sister, Brother, Uncles, Aunts, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins and Friends just because we hope they will or deny that this is not what they are trying to do.

And I hope that we also stop saying to ourselves and others: "Well what can I do about it?"

There are plenty of things that we can do if we would only Unite and Organize with the Common Purpose in mind of Surviving the Vicious Racists Attacks that our Fore Fathers and Fore Mothers fought and died to stop.

As bad as things are right now, their sacrifices far outweigh the ones that we face by rebelling against this Racial Hatred that is leading to the killing of our people and possibly the death of our country as we know it.

We can do a lot to make the world a better place if we do it together-starting with not ignoring Your Right to Vote, which is also a right that is under attack all over this country, because Racist are Mad and Afraid of the Progress that we have made in this country over the years.

So how about starting with voting this November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Elections which is something that we did not do in 2010, which is the failure that is helping these people have the opportunity to Murder us on a Massive Level and get away with it just like they did in the "Good Ole Days".

Our children are our future and our elders are the treasures of that future.

If we continue to not stand together to protect them all; eventually do to this escalation that we are witnessing, certainly your number, my number or the number of someone you love will come up.

Please do not sit back and wait for that to happen.

If you already know how you can help-do it! And if you don't know how you can help-ask someone who does for advice.

Anyone who has it in his or her heart to make this country and this world a better place will be glad to share their knowledge, ideas, thoughts and opinions with you, because you are needed to protect our Race, Country and Democracy.

Please start by researching the candidates and voting this November and in the 2016 Presidential Elections.

Thank you,


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