Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oh Now You Are Not A Bully?

I was intently watching Governor Chris Christi's Press Conference on Thursday while he explained his lack of knowledge and or approval of the Bridgegate Scandal where his office allegedly closed 2 lanes of the George Washington Bridge leading into New York as a political payback scheme, which actually may have contributed to the death of a person in need of Emergency Medical Attention who could not get it in time due to the gridlock on the bridge; (what is this thing that Republicans have about creating gridlock?), as well as many other serious delays experienced by the many commuters who use this bridge on a daily basis.

The George Washington Bridge

Now I personally don't care much for Governor Christie or his policies, (but I do respect him for speaking his mind and for standing up to obviously Racist Republicans by working with President Obama to aide the citizens of his state during the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.

That's where my admiration for him stops-And I really don't give a damn if my man Shaquille O'Neal, (who I am sure had good intentions for the poor kids of New Jersey),when he endorsed Christie, because Christie managed to convince him that his polices; some of which are listed below, would benefit poor children or poor people in general in New Jersey.

As far as Christie's vicious attacks on teachers, public employees, public education, reporters, unions and voters who ask him questions that he feels as a (Public Servant), he is not obligated to answer-Chris Christi can go to hell.

Thursday's press conference was nothing more than a Self Pity Party and a Human Sacrificial Ceremony for his "Inner Circle of Employees", to cover his ass.

All this politician did Thursday; ( a politician who has made a career by projecting an image of toughness, brutality and bullying of people who he disagrees with), was to whine, "Oh woe it's me!", and to express how shocked, appalled and hurt he was about the supposed betrayal that he experienced at the hands of his most trusted employees, (who he is now throwing under the bus to cover his own ass).

He was the victim that needed empathy and sympathy.

I heard very little about the children who were stuck on buses who could not get to school, or the many commuters who could not get to work, (like the man who had just gotten a new job after a lengthy period of unemployment who could not make it to his new job), and nothing about the person who died who had a cardiac emergency who died as a result of this "Manufactured Crises"; (something that Republicans have become famous for since the election of President Barack Obama).

So now he's a whimp, a victim and weakling who has become emotionally distraught by something, (that he claims to have known nothing about before hand).

Do Republicans know that we have a new invention called video and audio recordings? Recordings that are archived for future use to prove that the things that they are currently saying or doing are not congruent with the things that they have said and done in the past.

Listen to the example below where Phony Soprano attacks a citizen who asks a question that he does not like:

Did I say, "on topic"? Are y... are you stupid? On topic, on topic. Next question. Good, thank you... thank you all very much, and I'm sorry for the idiot over there.

Not a bully????

And once again, Chris Christie's antics, (like other Republican's antics), are being downplayed, overlooked and defended by the Idiotic Right Wing Hate mongers whose voices are being heard far too much these days because there are not enough people who are opposed to this type of government speaking up and speaking out.

I say all that to say this: I don't know if Chris Christie had prior knowledge of the Bridgegate Scandal that occurred on his watch; but based on what people who know him personally are saying about his management style, and based on the image that he has projected since hitting the national political scene as a "No Nonsense", "Hard Hitting", "Tough Ass Bully" who is on top of everything and everybody-I find it hard to believe that he did not know or suspect that this inappropriate threat to public safety in the state where he is currently governor was about to take place.

But as the investigation continues, I am sure the truth will be revealed.

And somewhere in that truth, there will be further damming revelations about the latest "Republican Presidential Hopeful", that I hope will finally make far more Americans stand up, take notice and ask the question:

What kind of people are Republicans trying to put in control of our country?

And then I hope far more Americans will take action to prevent the Conservative Right from placing these kinds of people in charge of our country.


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