Saturday, August 31, 2013

State’s Rights Warning

If you have been paying any attention to our Socio-Economic and Political Environment since the Legal Election of President Obama in 2004 and his Legal Reelection in 2012, you have probably been hearing a lot about Hatred and Distrust of the Federal Government.

People who were once considered to be very patriotic people; who love this country, (all of a sudden), began screaming things like: “We want our country back”. “Kill Big Government”. “Drown Big Government in the bathtub”, Etc., etc., etc.

First of all, let me just set the first part of their protests straight-They don’t own any damn country.

These people, (who are now trying to “reclaim their country”); have no damn country to reclaim.

First! They superficially befriended the American Indians who are the “True Americans” of this land, and then they betrayed the Indians by raping, murdering and taking their land and making them prisoners on a reservation of the very land that they owned before these people came and took it from them through deception and violence.

In addition, after they took the land from the Indians, they came and kidnapped Human Beings from Africa to build this country (that is now known as the United States of America), for free as slaves; including that Whitehouse in Washington, DC where America's First African First Family now resides.

Seems like “Justice” to me.

But I say all of that to say this: If you don’t know what the significance of "State’s Rights" is; then go back and check out the historical significance of “State’s Rights”, and you will understand why their cries to take power from the Federal Government and return it to the states is such a big damn deal for them, now that the President of the United States is BLACK.

They want to go back to the times when they could rape, murder and kill people who they consider not worthy of living the life that the Creator gave them.

They don’t want the government to provide Public Education, because they are not educated, or they don't want anyone else to be educated other than them

They don’t want the Federal Government to step in to protect minorities from violence while trying to keep Public Institutions from being Segregated.

And, they don’t want the Federal Government to provide Public Jobs, because to this day, the Private Sector is still plagued with Racism and Discrimination against African Americans and other minorities, Gay People, Ex-Offenders and others who they view as Sub Human because they are different from what they consider to be the norm.

Whereas, the Federal Government has Federal Programs to address all of these people’s employment needs and more.

As a matter of fact, it was Public Sector Jobs implemented by the Federal Government that created the American Middle Class for African Americans as well as other minorities.

And the Federal Government also made it possible for minorities to participate in the Educational Programs that allowed them to qualify for these jobs; thereby creating more of an even playing field.

This is why these people are vigorously attacking Policeman, Fireman, Teachers, Crossing Guards, School Cafeteria Workers, Postal Workers, VA Employees and other Public Sector Jobs Programs that allowed Minorities to create Middle Class Families as a result.

Now! Because these Federally Sponsored programs created decent lives for far too many Minority Families; including the family that has them really Afraid and Pissed Off now, which is "The Obama Family" because of his and his wife’s Monumental and Historical accomplishments, and their 2 Beautiful Black Children who have the same genes.

If you want to see the most dangerous result of the Movement to return to the "State’s Rights Doctrine", just take a look at what happened in Sanford, Florida on February 26, 2012, when a 17 year old teenager by the name of Travyon Benjamin Martin was Stalked, Hunted Down and Executed by George Zimmerman, who is now FREE.

George Zimmerman killed a Black Teenager based on his distorted analysis of past events and his Racial Biases towards Young Black Males.

And now Trayvon is dead, his parents hearts are broken forever, and George Zimmerman has been found not guilty in a case that was as plain as the nose on your face.

He wanted this “Punk” and “Assholes who always get away”, not to get away.

He wanted Trayvon dead.

He killed Him.

And he got away with it because of "States Rights", in the form of the "Stand Your Ground Law in Florida and in several other states in the U.S.

And now! In addition to getting away with murder, George Zimmerman wants the State of Florida to pay a portion of his expenses as a result of his murder of Trayvon Martin.

And because of the Laws in the "State" of Florida; he will probably be compensated for his execution of an unarmed Black Teenager.

This is what "State’s Rights" are all about.

But I am so glad to know that ACTIVISM is in full effect now; (as it always needs to be), and that this is not over.

I am so glad that Trayvon Martin’s Parents are not accepting this decision as the final word and are continuing the fight against this Racist Act against their son.

I hope that all of you who have read this will contribute to the Legal Fund for Trayvon Martin at: Join in as many “Peaceful Protest as you can.

And Fight! until we have a Civil Lawsuit in place against George Zimmerman.

And, continue to fight until the Department of Justice files a Civil Rights Violation Suit Against this murderer.

And Fight! To protect all of the progress that it has taken this nation to make over 400+ years.

For every one person fighting to be FREE, there are always Hateful, Evil People who are waiting for those fighting, to let down their guard so they can swoop in and reclaim the control that they lost.

These people do not want to "Peacefully Coexist" in America-They want to control everything and everyone in it.

It's up to the people who don't think like this to stop them in their tracks by "Actively Opposing Their Efforts".

Please remain Vigilant and Active in Protecting the Rights and Freedoms of ALL Citizens of the United States of America.

You Won The Battle, (But You'll Never Win The War)

Thank you,


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