Monday, March 4, 2013

The Voting Rights Act Is Under Attack

“I don’t think (Congress‘renewal of the law is) attributable to the fact that it is so much clearer now that we need this. I think it is attributable, very likely attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement,”

This statement and other statements like these are an indication of a serious problem that we are currently having in this country that is screaming for ACTION by those who are currently under attack.

Racism never left the United State of America's Collective Consciousness before President Obama, (in spite of the fact that Racists continue to deny the existence of it).

In some cases, this denial is driven by the fact that those who are dispensing this hatred do not have the empathetic ability to understand how what they are doing affects those that they are doing it to.

And then there are some racist who have had this hatred for so long, and have had it so deeply rooted in every fiber of their being, that they see this hatred as just a normal everyday activity.

Others know what they are doing and why they are doing it and don't give a damn.

This accurately describes the Millionaires and Billionaires like the Koch Brothers and others who use Racism, Hatred and Fear to Mobilize Poor, Hateful and Uneducated White People, (with a few Self-Hating Uncle Tom’s thrown in for good measure), to stand with them to fight against certain groups of Americans that they deem as unnecessary, not contributing or dangerous-(The Takers), which includes the Sick, the Poor and the Elderly.

No matter what the source; most sane and reasonably intelligent human beings seem to agree that racism is not a good thing for America.

So this Supreme Court Justice’s Statement should be a Wake Up Call To Action for most sane and reasonably intelligent human beings to stand up against this attempt by Right Wing Activist Judges in the Supreme Court, to set this country back by striking down very important parts of the Voting Rights Act.

We gave this power to the Tea party in 2010 as a result of Political Apathy during these local elections, and now they are running rampant with It.

It is important that those of us who are fighting for Freedom, Justice and Equality for all Human Beings in this country and on this planet, to make our displeasure with these people and their hatred known.

Far too many of our parents and parent's parent's, were injured or killed trying to obtain these rights for those of us who are still alive today because of their efforts.

The least we can do is contact the people who are responsible for implementing these Regressive Political Tactics in America, and let them know that we refuse to accept this and other actions that are being used to take away the God Given Rights of American Citizens as we speak.

In Politics as it is in Life, Inactivity does not produce Positive Results.

Please don’t sit this fight out.

Become Activists like our parents did to protect us.

Get involved in the fight to save our nation for those who come after us.

Thank you,


Let Them Know Of Your Discontent!

P.S. Use words that display our Intelligence-Not our Ignorance.

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