Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Republicans: Cut The CRAP!

First of all, just let me say that the incident in Benghazi does require and deserve legitimate bipartisan investigation.

However, this is not what is occurring today up on Capitol Hill as Partisan Republicans try to discredit, dehumanize and assault the character of the current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; and indirectly, President Obama, as they have done on a wholesale basis ever since the Obama Administration was successfully placed in power in 2008.

Susan Rice has testified and explained how and why she did and said the things that she did on the Sunday Talk Shows following the attacks.

The President shared as much available information about the incident that he could with the American People immediately after the attacks, and also during the Foreign Policy Section of the Presidential Debates.

Eric Holder has been asked to explain what role the Justice Department played in this “Security Failure” and he has.

And everyone else, who had a responsibility to do so, has revealed all of the information to congress that they requested, and as much of the Classified Information that they could safely reveal to the American Public.

Now I am not objecting to the fact that the Secretary of State is testifying today; because her testimony is required, and is a very important part of the investigation. She was scheduled to do this before she had a bad fall and as a result, developed a blood clot in her brain. - A condition which the Rightwing Hate Machine made fun of and accused the Secretary of State of faking her illness.

My objection is to the obvious cheap and petty, artificial attacks that are being launched against Hillary Clinton directly as an unintelligent attempt to bring down President Obama’s Administration indirectly.

Most of these Republican questioners are not really concerned with the friends, families and loved ones of the people who were killed as a result of these attacks, or for the people who lost their lives.

They are simply trying to make a negative political statement that further discredits the validity of President Obama’s Presidency.

They are grasping at straws, spending the American People’s Money, Time, Energy and Focus on Vicious Character Assassinations in order to further their Present and Future Political Aspirations for a Republican Party that is currently in shambles.

They are repeating questions that have already been answered in order to deceive those Americans, (which unfortunately is the majority), who may just be tuning into this discussion for the first time today, and who may actually not have the focus or the patience to stay up to date on the things that are currently taking place in America that affect us all, rather we know it or not.

I am so sick and tired of hearing this Republican Rhetoric about what the American People are frustrated about and what they want and do not want-This coming from a political party who the American People renounced in stunning numbers on November 6, 2012.

That was a clear statement of what the American People wanted and did not want. What they didn’t want was you Republicans, doing the same things now after the election that you did before you lost the election.

And now, just like the creatures that they are, who have not evolved to the point where they have the ability to adjust, adapt and learn for survival, Republicans are still committing the very same acts of deception, disrespect, racism and betrayal of the American People’s trust that led them to lose to President Obama in 2008 and again in 2012.

The fact of the matter is that all of the soldiers, ambassadors, security personal and others, who work in combat zones, know that no one can guarantee their health, safety or life.

They know these risks going in.

Also, No matter what precautions that we take to prevent a tragedy from occurring in war zones around the world, and even within our own country; we are not always going to be effective in doing so.

However, this is not an excuse to not do the best that we can to prevent these tragedies from occurring.

And I believe that given the Congressional Cuts in equipment, supplies and support for our service men and woman in harm’s way, led mostly by so called Fiscal Conservative Republicans, who just became overly concerned about the deficit post George W. Bush, we have been doing the best that we can to keep our people safe.

The Republican’s decision to not work with President Obama on anything; even if it is something that they themselves have previously approved of, and even if it is something that he is trying to do to increase the safety and security of our nation, as witnessed by their wiliness to sacrifice our economic safety and security just so they can destroy our economy and hopefully, President Obama’s Presidency; is an ongoing problem with these people.

A few weeks ago, we had a terrible tragedy right here in the U.S. when one too many children lost their lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. How long did it take to get accurate and complete information about this violent tragedy right here in America, to the proper authorities and to the American People?

We still don’t know all of the facts about this incident-do we?

So how in the hell was Susan Rice supposed to know who, what, when, where and why about an attack on an embassy that is thousands of miles away, in a few minutes, hours or days?

These people asking these bogus questions up on Capitol Hill know that this is Humanly Impossible to do.

But as I said earlier, what they are trying to do is to continue to do the things that the American People have made very clear to them that they do not want them to do, which is lie, deceive, cause gridlock, perpetuate hate, greed and racism. In other words, impede the progress that this country has made over the last 200+ years.

And the essence of all of this “False Outrage” is to downplay the Monumental Accomplishment of The Obama Administration’s Search, Capture and Successful Assassination of Bin Laden; which is something that their precious George W. Bush failed to do.

If you’re wondering why they are making such a big deal out of rather Benghazi was a Terrorist Attack or Spontaneous Protest; this is why!

They are still, and will continue to attempt to write President Obama and all of his Significant Accomplishments out of the History Books to their own destruction. My request to you is to not let them fool you by remaining still and silent while they continue to try and destroy our country with deception.

Please pay attention to what these people are attempting to do with each and every opportunity that becomes available to them, so that you can do your part to stop them.

Cut The Crap Republicans!


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