Friday, September 14, 2012


Unlike most people, especially here in the United States, I recognize the fact that I do prejudge a person, which makes me prejudice, (but not racist). Prejudging people is a necessary and human quality that helps us determine the types of people that we would benefit from associating with, or not. Racism on the other hand, is when we allow our prejudices to drive us to actual hateful attitudes that translate in to sometimes vicious and violent actions against the people that we are prejudice against. So prejudice is a thought process, and racism is actual action taken against people that you hate for whatever reason, either economically, socially or violently. Not everyone is meant to be friends with everyone, and not everyone that you meet in life is going to be a lifelong friend; some are just meant to be in your life for a minute or two, some for several months, some for several years, and ultimately and very rarely, some for a lifetime. But I say all of that to say this: When I heard about the video that was made here in America, that has outraged so many of the Islamist who are currently attacking our embassies in Libya and in other Middle Eastern Countries, I automatically got a mental image of the person who was responsible for the production of this video, and the reason that I brought up prejudice is because I had already determined that he was someone from the Extreme Right, A Religious Fanatic and someone who was full of hate and intolerance for anyone who does not see life and the world as he does. And now that his identity has been revealed, I have just got to say that he is pretty much the person that I thought he would be. And there are plenty more where he comes from, and they have been growing in number and strength ever since November 4, 2008, when President Obama was elected. And these are the types of people that Republicans love. They call it conservatism. But it’s really Racism, Sexism,Class Warfare and Hatred. If you do not want these people to become the dominant group in our society, then do your parts to stop them. On November 6, 2012, Vote for Democracy.

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