Wednesday, October 27, 2010

6 Days And Counting……

Conventional Political Wisdom tells us that Michael Steel is the leader of the Republican/ Tea Party.

No! No! No!

Michael Steel is just the Black Figure Head that they placed on a pedestal, in response to President Obama’s successful 2008 election to the White house; to confound and confuse the members of the American Public who are socially and politically unaware of what is going on around them that either directly, or indirectly affects them and their families.

Click here to see one of the real leaders of the Republican Party. And see it for what it’s worth.

Please vote Democratic Now!

We are not where we want to be right now, but we are definitely not moving backwards, towards a country that exists only for the benefit of a few greedy, power hungry liars, who will say or do anything to get elected.

It is predicted that Democrats are going to face a blood bath on November 2, 2010. The only thing that can make this wishful thinking a lie, is your active participation in the political process.

Please Vote Democratic Now! - If you have not already done so.

Or pay for the mistake of not doing so for years to come.

Let’s get ready for 2012 now. As you can see, they are more than ready to make sure that President Obama fails, no matter how worthy and capable he is, or how much damage this causes to the people of this country.

Before President Obama took his seat in the Whitehouse, One of America’s Most Notable Racist, (Rush Limbaugh), sent this directive to the Republican Party. “ I hope he fails”. And they have been following his orders every since, unfortunately in total disregard for the welfare of the country.

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