Friday, March 20, 2009

President Obama On Jay Leno

Last night the president who promised change delivered on that promise once again, while making history in the process, once again.

This is a fact that makes many republicans and all racist sick to their stomachs.

Nonetheless, President Barack Obama became the first sitting president in history to appear on a national talk show.

What’s the big deal?

Well! We all know that political candidates have always showed up in black churches if their white, and white churches if their black, at rallies kissing babies, and everywhere else that they think they may be able to get a vote, including on national talk shows.

However, what makes President Obama different is that he made appearances at black and white churches, at rallies kissing babies, and everywhere else where he thought he could get a vote.

However the election is now over, and this president has kept most of the campaign promises that he made, (you know the ones that he could keep without the complete and total cooperation of The Senate and The House).

To keep in touch with the American People, (particularly the American People who elected him to office), is something that is within his power, and something that he has continued to do as promised.

Now I know that his many critics, (which are mostly comprised of the 2 R’s), Republicans and Racist, have complained about the bailouts, the bonuses, and the fact that there was so much pork in the stimulus bill that he signed, after he said that he wanted to eliminate this kind of wasteful spending in Washington and across the nation.

But the reality of the situation is, that although his critics continue to repeat the mantra “He promised change but what he is delivering is business as usual politics”; what they leave out of this mantra is one little very important detail that he included within that promise, which was the fact that all of this change would not occur overnight, and that it may not even occur within his first term.

Some how they conveniently leave this part of the campaign promise out.

So continuing to repeat this mantra as if The President has already failed the American People in less then 60 days, (hoping that the majority of the American People will believe it), is quite ridiculous.
And most of the people who voted for President Obama are well aware of this stupidity and the motives behind it.

That is why they voted for him.

We also know where it is coming from.

It comes from that small segment of society that (for one or more reasons), which usually involves one of the 2 R’s, wants to see President Obama fail, even if it means the destruction of a nation and all of it’s people, (including them).

They want the president to fail, no matter what the consequences.

And this directive has been clearly stated by the leader of the Republican Party:

Rush Limbaugh:

“I Hope Obama Fails”.

Now there are some in this clique who have said that the very same people who are complaining about the criticism against Obama, are the same people who wanted George W. Bush to fail.

Well Folks! I’ve got some news for you.

George W. Bush did not care about what the American People said, thought, or did, nor did he care about the House, the Senate, or anyone else who disagreed with him.

He did not even care about our laws, the constitution, or anything that makes America, America.

What he was striving to be was a dictator.

.So in reality, George W. Bush failed miserably and completely on his own without help from anyone.

Are we as stupid as the people who are in this little divisive clique?

Hell No!

We would have loved it if President Bush would have been successful, then we would all still have jobs, we would have a budget surplus, and thousands of husbands, wives, sons, daughters, relatives and friends, would not be dead right now because of an extremely expensive, ineffective war, which was in theory, a war to capture and kill Osama Bin Laden for the mass murder of over 2000 American Citizens on 911.

This did not occur, and the American People were oblivious to the ever changing cover stories for the war, from capturing, Osama Bin Laden to bringing justice to the Iraq People by capturing and killing Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity and for Harboring Terrorist and Weapons of Mass Destruction, (which have yet to be found),to Establishing Democracy, to Preventing A Civil War, to Keeping The Insurgents In Check.

A war without a definite purpose equals lives lost for no definite purpose.

This is totally unacceptable to anyone who cares about God’s most precious gift; Life.

Now the same people who fought congress to give President Bush a blank check for the war, and a blank check for the bailouts can come up with nothing more productive then to complain about President Obama taking time out from his busy schedule to visit the Jay Leno Show, to continue to fulfill his campaign promise to maintain an open line of communications with the American People.

“He flies off to Los Angeles tonight to be on the Jay Leno show,” said Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. “My suggestion is that he come back — since he’s taken the full responsibility — to get his people together and say: ‘All right, I want to know exactly what happened? Who did what when? And how are we going to prevent this from ever happening in the future?’”
This coming from a group of people whose leader spent approximately 487 days on vacation at Camp David, and approximately 490 days at his ranch in Crawford.

Mr. Bush has found his legacy.

He is “The Most Vacationing President In History”, with Ronald Reagan in 2nd. Place.

These are all of the same tactics that were implemented and supported by the majority of Republicans when John McCain and Sarah Palin were running against Barack Obama and Joe Biden, which did not work, and they are still doing this same stupid bullshit that failed miserably in the 2008 Presidential Election today.

This is why I maintain that The Republicans are a political party with severe learning disabilities.

It’s also important to note that last night’s appearance was a success for the President, as well as for The Tonight Show”.

Nielsen is giving high approval ratings to President Barack Obama's appearance on NBC's "Tonight Show." Obama's visit with Jay Leno, the first by a sitting president, scored an 11.2 rating in metered-market households

Jay Leno A Big Hit Last Night

There was one mistake that President Obama made last night,(for which he had apologized for even before last night’s show aired), and that was when he compared his bowling skills to that of the disabled athletes who participate in the Special Olympics.

President Obama Apologizes To The Chairman Of The Special Olympics Tim Shriver

This was a mistake on the part of the President, because he is too politically savvy to intentionally insult the disabled citizens of this country. In addition, he is more of a humanitarian then most of the Republicans who are trying to criticize, undermine and sabotage him.

So if you need a talking point for this evening’s news; there you have it, take this and run with it.

And to all of you Republicans who are complaining that President Obama is doing too much; the fact of the matter is, that as bad a shape as your President Bush left this country in, there is no such thing as doing too much; only not doing enough.

Last night’s show was a smart move, and a successful move for President Obama, Jay Leno; and good for the Majority of American the People.

The majority who voted for President Obama.


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